Monday, August 26, 2013


It Could Be You by Snakey is the winner of Spice It Up - Sing for Preparedness Song 2012.

Spice It Up - Sing for Preparedness is a National Song Competition to Promote Youth Volunteerism in Disaster Preparedness. The initiative has been promoted by the Red Cross Society in Barbados and Grenada, and it aims at encouraging youth volunteerism in Disaster Preparedness while sensitizing the public and promoting the local cultural scene.

‘’You are here today, gone tomorrow. But are you ready?’’
‘’The most beautiful picture can turn to the most tragic scene in a flash!’’
‘’We must think about the future ‘cause life is super short. So please put things in place, to preserve it. It’s gonna be worth it. I promise you.’’

These lines in the song simply state that worst things happen in a blink of an eye. We must be ready for everything, especially for disasters because life is important. There are a lot of disaster preparedness tips for us to keep in mind and execute in case these bad things happen.

This song is just one of hundred things that remind us to always, always be prepared. To wrap it all up, there’s a simple quote that everyone must learn by heart:  ‘Failing to prepare is preparing to fail’.

Calajatan, Essan Marie O.
BCR 3-1

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