Friday, September 6, 2013

"You're Missing", Remembering 9/11

The tragedy that once horrendously shocked and shaken the world, became an anticipation of today’s struggle for a brand new start. Twelve years had passed but still lingering to others (specially to the survivors), are haunting melodies of the terrifying explosions, rumbling sharp tones of screams and cries of rushing people to and fro, deep horrifying sounds that go along with the smoke, how their lost of loved ones tore their hearts apart and left in the wilderness to witness the ravage. How suppose others can clearly recall that worse nightmare? Apparently, songs can tell and sing it for us.

"You're Missing", a memory not to be forgotten.
Hope be evoked.  Promise never to be broke. Shine into the new light, love that makes it right. Peace on earth. 

There may be no sense of bringing back the hard heart-breaking scenes, but having a moment remembering the victims makes the commemoration of the horrible 9/11 bombings of great sense. In our hearts, in our minds, in our sincerest actions, in our soul-felt songs, at least, we knew they exist, they’ll feel they’re honored.
John Christopher Datiles
BCR 3-1


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